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As I started at Carnegie Mellon, I took (15-112) Fundamentals of Programming & Computer Science. For this class, the term project was an open ended challenge to build something creative and complex in Python that was at least 30 hours worth of work. This project was my first large scale programming project at CMU and was one of the reasons I eventually chose to go into Game Design!


For my project, I chose to program the game UNO. The program transitions through multiple modes ranging from the title screen, the settings, gameplay, and a win screen. There is support for up to 6 players, with options for simple AI computer players and other human players through the use of sockets. To build the gameplay, I applied principles of Object-Oriented Programming to create classes such as cards, hands, and players. I used Python's built-in tkinter to build the GUI to handle all of the visuals I made for the game.


Basic features and visuals of the game are demonstrated in the Youtube video below. To play the game yourself and explore more of the visual assets included, feel free to download the code files and follow the README.txt!


To gain experience with Unity, I took a micro course (99-358) Introduction to the Unity Game Engine to start my journey. As a part of this course, I learned basics of Unity and scripting, all culminating in a final project to build a multi-stage game.


quick play through of my game is shown in the video below. To play the simple game yourself, download the builds and follow the README.txt!


VR Storytelling

When I first decided to get into Game Design, I took my first project-based class, (53-376) 360 Sound & Story. The course gave me my first experience with the workflow of a creative project. The group dynamic also let me expand my horizons to not only contribute my code, but also work on developing the story and filming the scenes.


For the original presentation of our project, I built my own 360 video viewing program in Unity (2018.3.12f1) for ease of presentation. I exported to a Samsung S7 Edge and our project was viewed using a Samsung Gear VR headset. This set up allowed me to program in a title screen and give controls for an easy reset that were not otherwise available.


The video below shows our project using YouTube's compatibility with 360 video. I've also linked the design documents for our project for insight into the story-building process as well as the technical aspects of our project!


Character Rigging

In an effort to both combine my creative and technical sides, I took (60-333) Character Rigging for Production. This gave me experience working in Maya as well built up my abilities to understand the ways in which a character should be able to move.


For my final project in the class, I created a rig for a fox model. Features in my rig include: root animation controller, splines for the neck, spine, and tail, IK leg & reverse foot controls for all 4 legs, and controls for the jaw, ears, nose, and tongue.


Shown below is my demo reel for all three of the projects in the course. If you want to explore the rig yourself, I've also included the .mb file for the fox rig.

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